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Tuesday, 17th July 2012
In Business In Japan,
Osaka could become Japanese capital in the event of disaster
Osaka could be named the new Japanese capital if an earthquake wiped out Tokyo, a draft interim report has revealed.
Four other cities are expected to be named as potential candidates for the country's primary hub in the event of a disaster, the Japan Times reported.
Nagoya, Sapporo, Sendai and Fukuoka would all be in the running to become Japan's major city, according to a task force studying emergency measures under the Central Disaster Prevention Council.
Currently Tachikawa is lined up to replace Tokyo as the destination of the prime minister and government buildings, however its proximity to the capital means it would likey be severely damaged in an earthquake.
The five cities singled out by the task force represent those which already feature government offices and the Bank of Japan, as well as other facilities that could be transformed into emergency headquarters.
The task force is set to present the draft report at the council's next meeting, with a decision expected to be reached by spring 2013.
Figures show the population of Tokyo is around 8.7 million, while Osaka's is more than 8.8 million.
Posted by Graham Mc Pherson
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