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Tuesday, 13th September 2016
In General Japan News,
New architecture model museum opens in Tokyo
A new museum has opened in Tokyo, dedicated to the models that architects make when envisioning a new building.
The Arch-Depot Museum is a one-of-kind exhibition space in a warehouse, featuring models from the likes of Shigeru Ban, Kengo Kuma and Riken Yamamoto, reports Dezeen magazine.
These are some of Japan’s predominant architects and Kuma has just been announced as the designer of the newest station to be added to the Yamonote Line
Visitors will get a fascinating insight into the evolution of buildings with both study maquettes and final design models on display.
It is an innovative solution to a storage problem, as the 5.2-metre high space has been equipped with industrial shelving to create 116 display surfaces.
These are then rented to design studios, offering them somewhere to keep the models, whilst allowing them to be admired by the public.
Among the pieces that will be of special interest to lovers of architecture are large scale models of the Aix en Provence Conservatory of Music, designed by Kuma, and a university campus Riken Yamamoto dreamed up.
It’s also delightful to see a school surrounded by trees created by Kazuhiro Kojima and Kazuko Akamatsu, but represented in miniature.
Klein Dytham co-founder of Mark Dytham Architecture, told the news provider: "Most architects have a store room full of lovely models that no one gets to see. But the situation is worse in offices in Japan, where space is really at a premium.
"So this initiative is really brilliant – it's a win-win for the architect and Archi-Depot."
In order to keep all of the models in the museum in perfect condition, the temperature and humidity are carefully controlled and the items on display are illuminated by LEDs only.
With models from most of Japan’s leading architects and QR codes attached to each one to find out more, the museum will be a must-visit for those interested in this area of culture.