Tokyo Game Show – Gamer 2

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I always knew something was wrong with me.

During childhood already, classmates would laugh at me because my pastimes were somewhat different from a “normal” boy. When I reached teenage years, mom and dad couldn’t deny anymore when they saw the sort of friends I used to bring back home. I traveled the world and the seven seas but it is in Japan that everything became clear. Eventually, last Saturday I took a giant leap in my life and came out of the closet. Yes, I must admit… I am geek!

Last Saturday the ‘Tokyo Game Show’ was held… in Chiba.

Open Sesame
Open Sesame

At first I scavenged around looking for the latest trends. It quickly became obvious to me that games are not why the geek population gathers around here. Like the automobile industry, nowadays developers emphasise more on presentation than the product itself.

Sexy Sony
“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

I quickly got engrossed! Consequently, the rest of the afternoon turned into an anthropological expedition into the wild habitat of the Otaku. In a nutshell, these events make it possible for two groups of people, otherwise kept apart, to meet and mingle. First we find the average nerd: introvert, technosexual, socially inept and unaware of the benefits of deodorants; and on the other hand the young kawai girl: exaggerated feminine voice, patient with the customer and in serious need of cash. One group poses the other shoots. A frenetic hunt indeed!

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